Sunday, July 16, 2006

Wenger warning for Cole

Video Safari

Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger feels Ashley Cole would be better served to concentrate on his football rather than airing his dirty linen in public.
Cole whipped up a storm on Saturday morning when excerpts from his upcoming book were published in a national newspaper.
The England defender hit out at Arsenal, claiming they 'hung me out to dry, using me as a scapegoat to get back at Chelsea' over the controversy surrounding his meeting with The Blues last year.
Cole's future as an Arsenal player is now in doubt again and although Wenger admits he would like to keep the left back in North London, the Frenchman feels his charge needs to focus on his duties as a footballer.
"I don't like it when there is too much in the newspapers," Wenger told Sky Sports News. "Football players are there to play football and not to talk too much."
Responding to questions about Cole's future, Wenger added: "He has two years on his contract at Arsenal and unless we sell him he has a future at Arsenal.
"I want him to stay, but there are three parties to have to want that.
"Nothing is decided yet on that front and he is an Arsenal player like everybody else."
Wenger feels that, in time, Cole will look back on his Arsenal career with affection.
"With Ashley Cole, when one day he looks back on his career he will see Arsenal has helped him a lot and he is intelligent enough to make the difference," said Wenger.
"I feel time selects what is important and what is not important."