Monday, July 10, 2006

Eriksson: I'd pay £60M for Man Utd ace Rooney

Video Safari

Outgoing England coach Sven Goran Eriksson admits he would pay £60 million to prise Wayne Rooney away from Manchester United if given the opportunity in the future.

"He is a very special player, the sort every manager would like,'' he told The People.
"I would have to say, though, that I would need to be in charge of a club with lots of money because it would take a huge offer to get him away from Manchester United.
"I'm not even sure how much we are talking. How much did Chelsea pay for Andrei Shevchenko? £30m?
"Then Rooney would be more than that, much more, perhaps even double. So you see, I will have to have a very rich club indeed to even think about buying him."