Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Capello: Raul fundamental to Real Madrid

Video Safari

New Real Madrid coach Fabio Capello has declared Raul "fundamental" to his plans this season.

The striker has endured a difficult last 12 months, but Capello is insistent his future belongs with Real and that the Spain international can recapture his best form.
"I have great confidence in him. I believe that at 29 years, a player like him must return to be a leader and a champion like he was before. I am convinced of this," said the Italian.
"He had a tough last season - but that was all. For that reason, I say that it is only a psychological question. Also he has been unlucky with injury.
"I spoke with him this morning (yesterday). I have told him that he must return to be the player who I knew and also that he has to be a leader. We need people who have desire and to return Raul to his best, for me, is fundamental."